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Donald P. Howard, CPA LLC

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Every business has the need for quality financial and tax services.

Your business has the same needs as a larger corporation. You need timely, accurate, and informative accounting and financial information, and quality professional advice regarding your financial and tax matters.

We specialize in providing these services to small and medium size businesses at a reasonable price.

Donald P. Howard, CPA, LLC's goal is to provide accounting, consulting and tax services that go beyond the scope of traditional services offered by most practitioners. How do we define good service? Good service means being proactive with advice, sticking to deadlines, being accessible with our expertise, exceeding expectations, and fully committed to helping clients succeed. We look beyond the numbers --exploring all possibilities, finding solutions, and adding value to your decision making.

We offer a full range of accounting, consulting and tax services tailored specifically for small to medium sized businesses.

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Details and Specs

Hours of Operation: Not Listed
Business Size: 1-10
Notes: None Listed


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