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Elite Tire & Auto Care

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We're your go-to automotive repair shop for all vehicle makes and models. We provide a full suite of services, from standard maintenance tasks like oil changes and brake checks to more complex repairs such as engine and transmission work. Our team, well-versed in all areas of automotive engineering, ensures that your vehicle is always in good hands. We leverage the latest technology and tools for efficient and effective service. We pride ourselves on our commitment to customer satisfaction.

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Details and Specs

Hours of Operation:
Mon7:00 AM6:00 PM
Tue7:00 AM6:00 PM
Wed7:00 AM6:00 PM
Thr7:00 AM6:00 PM
Fri7:00 AM6:00 PM
Sat8:00 AM5:00 PM
Business Size: 1-10
Notes: None Listed


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