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Employer's Administrative Services of Indiana, L.L.C.

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Employer's Administrative Services of Indiana, L.L.C., or EASiHR, provides businesses of all types with outsourced employment-related services in a manner that best suits your needs.

One alternative is as a Professional Employer Organization (PEO). A PEO is defined as "a company that contractually assumes and manages critical human resource and personnel responsibilities and employer risks for businesses by establishing an employer relationship with worksite employees." That's quite a mouthful. Essentially, it means that we join with client companies to become the "administrative employer" for tax and benefit purposes. The client company remains the "worksite employer," retaining responsibility for the day-to-day supervision and work assignments of its staff. We become the human resource function for our client companies, providing payroll services, employee benefit programs, workers' compensation and employee assistance.

The other alternative is as an Administrative Services Organization (ASO) where we provide employer related services on your behalf. This can be as simple as payroll only or as complex as serving as your outsourced human resource office, working with you from hiring to retirement.

It is our belief that employment is a business in and of itself. And it is our business - the only thing we do. We understand the complex requirements of employment, including the dozens of laws, hundreds of statutes and myriad rules that all employers must follow. And it is work, which we consider to be vitally important to you, your employees and your business. Through delivery of efficient, comprehensive, responsive and effective employment services, we provide you with the time to concentrate on the business of business!

Key Benefits

  • With EASiHR assuming the human resource responsibilities, businesses have more time to focus on "business"
  • EASiHR provides employment expertise that most businesses do not have
  • Generally, client companies can offer staff better benefits through EASiHR.
  • There is a sharing of employment risks.
  • The client company still maintains control over its staff.
  • This can usually be accomplished at a lower cost.

At EASiHR, we understand that your employees are your business's most valuable investment. Likewise, we realize that it takes a significant amount of time and energy in order to get the greatest possible return from that investment. The demands of running a high-paced business are exhausting and sometimes there aren't enough hours in the day to address all of them. EASiHR is here to help.

Since 1997, EASiHR has been providing businesses with the most comprehensive and cost-effective human resource, payroll and employee benefit programs available. We tailor our services to best fit your company's needs, allowing you to get the most out of your employees, reduce turnover and increase the overall profitability of your organization.

Our goal at EASiHR is simple: We want to use our employment expertise to help you achieve your ultimate goals as a business owner.

If you want to spend more time growing your business, let us help!

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Details and Specs

Hours of Operation: Not Listed
Business Size: 11-50
Notes: None Listed


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