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ENT Centers of Excellence

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ENT Centers of Excellence provides complete ear nose and throat care for the entire family in Foley & Daphne, AL. Dr. Keith Kowal provides comprehensive diagnosis, treatment, and surgery for ear, nose and throat conditions for adult and pediatric patients in and around Baldwin County.

Dr. Kowal opened the doors of ENT Centers of Excellence in Foley, Alabama in November 2015 a Daphne, Alabama location in May 2017. Dr. Kowal has over 30 years of experience providing successful ear, nose, and throat treatments to his patients.

At ENT Centers of Excellence, our treatments include CPAP & CPAP alternatives, in-office Balloon Sinuplasty, Sleep Studies, Hearing Testing & Hearing Aids, Transoral Robotic Surgery (TORS), Pillar Procedure, and much more.

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Details and Specs

Hours of Operation: Not Listed
Business Size: 1-10
Notes: None Listed


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