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ER of Watauga - Emergency Room in Fort Worth

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Watauga Emergency Rooms are fully equipped with all the mandatory equipment for any state-of-the-art facility. Opt our services for 24-hour urgent care for any emergency at our Children's Emergency Room. At ER of Watauga, we offer a comprehensive range of services. We have a team of highly qualified and experienced physicians, specialists and fully trained lab technicians at our well equipped clinical laboratory. Each one of our faculty members are dedicated to providing prompt clinical aid and ER services round the clock. Here at our Emergency Care, we offer treatments for various diseases. Our professionals are always available to provide professional and timely conducted treatments at the nearest ER Clinic in Watauga TX.

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Details and Specs

Hours of Operation:
Mon9:00 AM6:00 PM
Tue9:00 AM6:00 PM
Wed9:00 AM6:00 PM
Thr9:00 AM6:00 PM
Fri9:00 AM6:00 PM
Sat10:00 AM8:00 PM
Sun10:00 AM8:00 PM
Business Size: 1-10
Notes: None Listed


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