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If you have the case, we have the expert witness. Let us connect you with expert witnesses in every discipline you can imagine. And some you can't.

You request an expert witness, we take care of every detail.

Intuitive Expert Witness Request Engine

Simply enter your info and our intuitive Expert Witness Request Engine will help auto-fill your form. If you don't find the exact category of expert witness you're looking for, enter your specific needs and we'll help you find the right experts.

One Step Process

Once you request an expert witness, we do all the rest. From providing exclusive CVs, conflict checks and confidential interviews to consulting with a team of experts across all disciplines relevant to your case. Everything you need to make an informed decision about the best expert witnesses for your case.

No cost or obligation until retention.

We work as part of your team until you find the expert witnesses you need. Then we take care of all administrative issues so you can concentrate on your case.

Top CVs, ASAP.

Why scroll through a list when you can have the "A-list" delivered to your inbox? Let us do all the legwork and connect you with the ideal, fully-vetted expert witness candidates in nearly every discipline, ready to uncover the truth and help make your case.

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