Harmony Place Drug Rehab Philadelphia
Harmony Place Drug Rehab Philadelphia has provided drug and alcohol treatment to many individuals traveling from Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, and the surrounding areas. Because of the complex nature of the disease of addiction, it is a recommended stay for a period of 90 days where there can be a detailed and individualized program for recovery. During the program a person will receive individual and group session to become further educated in the disease, the origins of trauma if they exist, and in turn learn coping skills and practical tools to apply in their lives to maintain sobriety when they return home. Harmony Place Drug Rehab Philadelphia prides itself as a safe and comfortable rehab facility which understands the needs for the residents of Philadelphia and surrounding areas. Like several other urban areas in the country, drug and alcohol addiction in Philadelphia is commonplace. From blue collar workers to high end executives, Philadelphia is not exempt from the individual, familial, and communal effects of substance abuse. A continued care treatment plan is started when a person enters Harmony Place Drug Rehab Philadelphia, and a complete and ongoing assessment is made by the clinical and medical staff. As a person goes through detox and residential phases, they will be able to assist the onsite team and be able to determine appropriate length of stay, individual needs, and any logistical challenges that may arise.
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