Herbalist in Santa Barbara
Our Mission is to improve the health and lives of others through sharing the wisdom of Traditional Chinese Medicine, a thousands of years old discipline. Our primary focuses are Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine. We believe in treating the whole body, helping it to heal itself. We also offer wisdom on nutrition and lifestyle advice, as they are key inputs to holistic health.
Dr. Horie assumed leadership of the Santa Barbara Herb Clinic in October 2021. She brings an extensive herbal background, and comes up with the best possible herbal formula for patients, providing personalized holistic care.
By administering traditional Chinese medicine modalities, Dr. Horie helps patients by restoring vitality, bringing balance, and preventing future health problems. Dr. Horie is committed to providing her patients with a customized treatment plan that looks into each patient's unique needs and condition.
Dr. Horie believes that Chinese medicine carries wisdom worth thousands of years, working effectively on many conditions that modern medicine has difficulty treating.
The Santa Barbara Herb Clinic is proud to serve the Acupuncture, Chinese Medicine, and All Natural Healing needs of the Santa Barbara community and beyond.
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