How do I find my D Link username and password?

A user is recommended to change the default Network settings of a router immediately after the setup process. The default Network settings i.e Wireless Name and Wifi password are the vital components with which nearby users connect to the network of your router. These settings are utilized during the setup process. The users must assign a strong Wifi password to avoid unauthorized users from accessing the dlinkrouter.local network.
Sometimes, the users want to acknowledge their router details without even interacting with the interface of the D-Link routers. They just want to use their wireless details while recognizing the network name within the Available network list. Here are the steps to fetch the wireless details within these routers http //dlinkrouter.local
Power off the device, in case it is on.
Now turn over your device and locate a white sticker line behind it.
There you can find the SSID name and the WPA Key which reveals the password of your wireless network.
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