Kallas Company
Kallas Restaurant Accounting is the only accounting firm in Michigan specializing 100% in family or closely-held, owner-managed restaurant/bar operations. We didn't just come on the scene. We've been serving just one industry since 1946. No other accounting firm can give you the cumulative experience derived from advising thousands of restaurant and bar owners. And no other firm has the accounting, payroll and tax knowledge you need in today's sophisticated business environment.
All our systems, procedures, benefits and products were designed for you - the restaurant/bar owner - to meet your needs in an efficient and timely manner. And like you - we are a closely held and family owned business. Our reputation and success comes from working hard, giving excellent service, being personally involved and knowing how to get the job done.
In addition to being President of Kallas Restaurant Accounting, George has been the President of The Detroit Family Business Council, and has served on the Executive Board of the Michigan Restaurant Association and The Association of Restaurant Professionals. Plus, he is a 25+ year member of the Michigan Association of CPA's.
George is most proud that in 2009, Kallas Restaurant Accounting was chosen as one of the "Ten Most Dependable Accounting Professionals of the Central United States" by Goldline Research as seen in the February 2009 issue of Fortune Magazine.
Mission Statement
- Provide the kind of professional services that restaurant and bar owners need and want.
- Make it the best quality service at a fair market price.
- Give 110% effort to satisfy the customer at every opportunity.
- Plan properly to keep Kallas Restaurant Accounting a strong and solid company.
- Find ways to be more efficient than our competition.
- Constantly work to improve ourselves, our skills, and our abilities.
- Work to make Kallas Restaurant Accounting a source of increasing security, benefits, satisfaction, and monetary reward for all employees.
- Have a professional work environment where people are comfortable, can work together, can help each other and can learn and communicate.
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