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Lapeze & Johns, PLLC Maritime Attorneys

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At Lapeze & Johns, PLLC we represent clients who have been injured at sea in a wide range of maritime cases. Keith Lapeze and Chris Johns are two of the top national maritime lawyers and came together to form a smaller, more personal law firm that takes on less clients to provide more one on one care to each of their clients. The attorneys both have experience at large scale prestigious law firms, but wanted to have more of a connection with their clients. Lapeze & Johns, PLLC handles these practice areas among others:

  • Jone's Act Cases
  • Offshore Injuries
  • Death on the High Seas
  • Deck Accidents
  • Wrongful Death at Sea
  • Unsafe Equipment Accidents
  • Harbor Worker Accidents

If you or a loved one has been seriously injured or tragically killed while working offshore, contact our experienced offshore injury attorneys for a free initial consultation. We'll give you the time and attention you deserve during this difficult situation and help you get the compensation needed to get back on your feet.

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Details and Specs

Hours of Operation: Not Listed
Business Size: 1-10
Notes: None Listed


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