Lilliput Early Childhood Ctr
About Us
Statement of Purpose
The purpose of the LILLIPUT school programs is to meet the individual needs of the child as we prepare him/her for further education. In a safe environment suited to the child's learning needs, we will provide for regular association with other children in work and play. We will provide for the growth and development of the child's physical and mental abilities under the guidance of qualified, creative teachers. Each child will be encouraged to explore, discover and create through a multi-sensory approach to learning.
Most important, the objectives of LILLIPUT include the development of a positive self-concept among all children. This "first school" experience should develop a sense of joy, wonder and curiosity in the world around us.
Characteristics of the Children Served
Children are accepted on a "first come, first served" basis with no regard to race, religion, cultural heritage, political beliefs, marital status or sexual orientation of parents, national origin, or disabilities. Lilliput is licensed to serve children 2.9 years old up though elementary grades 1 and 2.
For detailed information on our different programs, please visit the Class Information section of our website»
Intake Procedure:
Call the school for an appointment to visit. One of our staff will give you a tour and an overview of our programs. You will also receive current tutition prices.
Registration for in-house families is by lottery and begins in November.
Registration for new families begins the first Monday in December at 8:30. After that, registration is any time until we are full.
Registration for our summer camp begins the first Monday in April at 8:30am.
In May, you will receive a mailing confirming your registration for the school year and providing you with fall Open House and first day of school information.
Class size:
Lilliput has a variety of small and large classrooms as follows:
20 children with 3 teachers
16 children with 3 teachers
12 children with 2 teachers.
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