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New Horizons

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As the world's largest independent training company, New Horizons provide training that changes lives. For companies of every size, that means continually upgrading the abilities of their employees so they stay competitive and boost their bottom lines. New Horizons training is the answer for individuals and businesses ready to upgrade themselves-no matter how far along they are in the process. We offer award-winning training solutions for every individual learning style and organizational need-based on the scope, location, and timing right for you.

New Horizons recognizes that business leaders are not merely looking for training sessions that will help their employees fulfill a certain task or simply prepare them for a specific certification exam. We understand that organizations are looking for real answers to real business problems, which is why we have developed our Solution Spotlight.

Our featured solutions showcase key associated training, relevant articles, live and recorded webinars, informative whitepapers, and more.

  • 70% of skills acquired at New Horizons are applied on the job within the first 8 weeks
  • 59% of New Horizons students say training received was critical to their job performance
  • 44% of time on the job is spent applying new knowledge and skills gained from New Horizons

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Details and Specs

Hours of Operation: Not Listed
Business Size: 11-50
Notes: None Listed


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