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Image Transfer :

Image transfer is a wonderful art of transferring your favorite pictures or chosen images on different surfaces. It results in a look as if the image is printed on the surface. The process is simple, and interesting and gives a wonderful effect creating personalized products and gifts in a jiffy.

Various techniques have been used by different artists for decades to transform ordinary objects into pieces of delightful art! Some artists use chemicals to transfer images taken from magazines, and other printed matter, onto their canvas or artwork. Also, many artists use an acrylic medium to transfer photocopies to their canvas.

Images can be transferred onto surfaces such as wooden discs, canvas, cloth, glass bottles, etc of different shapes and sizes. The process can be done on wooden panels to create lovely backgrounds or decorations as you please.

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Details and Specs

Hours of Operation: Not Listed
Business Size: 1-10
Notes: None Listed
image transfer:1200


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