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Pleats Interior Design

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For interior design and furnishings, you simply can't do better than Pleats Interior Design . We are experts and we bring our discerning eye to each and every job we take. Whether you are in the blueprint stage or are simply in the market for beautiful accessories, we can help you make your space absolutely perfect.

George A. Pavick Owner/Designer IDS

George A. Pavick of Pleats Interior Design came to his design career through the back door--or rather, through the window. Pavick who grew up in Ohio, has worked for more than 22 years in all aspects of the design field, including tile, carpet, wallpaper, furniture and window design. It was his work in Ohio with custom window treatments that lead him to found Pleats Interior Design in 1989. He later moved that business to Lansing Michigan where the 4,200 square-foot showroom remains a fixture in the city's Old Town neighborhood.

While Pavick still does windows, they're only a small part of his business today. His extensive client base take him through Michigan and Ohio to as far away as California, Florida, South Carolina and Texas. "We support our clients wherever they need us to go."

His favorite projects are new construction, "from blueprint all the way to final accessorizing," he says, "When you start with blueprints, you can make any necessary changes before construction begins. That also allows more design freedom for the finished project. However he also enjoys the challenges of basic remodels, and working within the confines of an existing structure.

Wherever he travels, the basic of good design remains the same, he says. Pavick believes a home must reflect its owner, and he often incorporates a piece with deep meaning to the homeowner, whether it be artwork or family heirloom.

"I like a room like it always been there and to have a timeless feel," he says. "I truly believe in a giving a client what they want and need. I like to create environments that have a good basic design elements and stand the test of time.

Education, experience and testing enable us to offer a wide range of services, including space planning, room additions and interior detailing. Professional design recommendations are based upon the client's intended use of the space and aesthetic goals, as well as applicable codes and standards.

Interior Design and Furnishings

New Construction Consultation from Blueprint to Final Accessories

Commercial and Residential

We can help you make your space exactly what you want it to be. Its look, its feel and its usability will all be outstanding. You won't believe what we can do with your environment!

We have quality home furnishings, lamps and accessories galore. You may have big plans for an underused room in your home or you may think your commercial facility could use a facelift. Either way, Pleats Interior Design can help.

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Details and Specs

Hours of Operation:
Mon10:00 AM5:00 PM
Tue10:00 AM5:00 PM
Wed10:00 AM5:00 PM
Thr10:00 AM5:00 PM
Fri10:00 AM5:00 PM
Business Size: 1-10
Notes: Evenings and Weekends by Appointment


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