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Professional Graphics, Inc.

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Headquartered in Rockford, Illinois, Prographics is a premier marketing and graphics services and solutions company. Established in 1987, we offer high-quality, value-added products and services to domestic and international customers, including many of the world's finest museums and publishing houses.

As a family-owned company, Prographics' owners are deeply involved with all aspects of operations. They share three generations of knowledge and experience with employees, many of whom have worked together for more than 20 years. Uncommon in the industry, our professional staff members know the trade as well as they know each other. This same familiarity extends to our customers, resulting in service that routinely exceeds their expectations.

Talk to others and you'll find that we are unique in the industry. No one offers the blend of skill, expertise, experience, and attention to detail that Prographics does-and at the most competitive prices. Our company is able to do this by constantly evaluating the efficiency of our operations, exploring the latest technologies and trends, and providing customers with the best quality as quickly, efficiently, and cost-effectively as possible.



If needed, Prographics offers customers a full complement of creative services including concepting, branding, logo development, graphic design, copywriting, photography, and project management.

Composition & Layout

Typography, character spacing, and page assembly are critical factors in producing a printed product that looks its very best. Prographics has decades of fundamental experience in this area, providing you with expertise that is uncommon in the industry.


We offer high-quality drum and flatbed scanning; color correcting/separating using the latest technologies; advanced photo retouching management techniques; and color proofing (accurate ICC calibrated proofs that match any printing environment).


From original artwork and historical artifacts to products and food, we photograph a broad spectrum of subjects at our in-house studio and at numerous off-site locations worldwide. We offer specialized skills and experience to ensure that subject matter mirrors the original. We concentrate on producing the highest degree of detail, enabling color separators to produce the very best results on the printed page.

Digital Asset Management

Prographics offers clients effective archiving of data for both short-and long-term storage in a single repository that is easily viewed and tracked. We organize images, page files, and other digital assets and provide customers with remote, Web-based access to data that is searchable via keywords, file names or other custom fields.


Our ability to supervise your project from scanning through printing provides superior color quality and technical assurance. When difficult situations arise on press, our experts have the confidence and skill to recommend the right adjustments with minimal press interruptions. Prographics also offers a complete range of bindery solutions, warehousing, fulfillment and freight services.

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Details and Specs

Hours of Operation: Not Listed
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Notes: None Listed


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