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Red Electricians Huntington Beach

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Red Electricians is one of the most leading electrical service companies in most areas in California. It's been part of our routine to help those who are worrying about their faulty electrical system. You have nothing to worry about our electricians because they are all fully trained and equipped to handle small and big projects.

All of our professionals in Red Electricians specialize in all upgrades and new installations of electrical components. You have nothing to worry about because it's been our trademark to use equipment that can fix the latest tech innovations for your home electrical systems.

Red Electricians have been people in California for more than a couple of decades and still counting. We hire a lot of electricians because we want to accommodate your needs as fast as we can.

Our Services:
Circuit breaker repair,
Commercial Electrical Services,
Electric Panel Upgrade,
Emergency Electrical Services,
EV Chargers Installations,
Outlets And Switches,
Residential electrical services,
Safety inspections and troubleshooting,
Smoke detectors services,
Whole-House Surge Protection,

Payment Method

Credit Card

Business hours: 24/7

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Details and Specs

Hours of Operation: Not Listed
Business Size: 51-100
Notes: None Listed


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