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Sadek Bankruptcy Law Offices

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Our Philadelphia Bankruptcy Lawyers and Foreclosure Defense Attorneys have proudly helped over 5000 clients. Call us for a free consultation over the phone, internet, or in our office. Whether you are filing for bankruptcy or trying to stop a foreclosure, we provide a free consultation with a Pennsylvania licensed attorney. Contact us to schedule a consultation for bankruptcy and debt relief services.

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Hours of Operation:
Mon12:00 AM12:00 AM
Tue12:00 AM12:00 AM
Wed12:00 AM12:00 AM
Thr12:00 AM12:00 AM
Fri12:00 AM12:00 AM
Sat12:00 AM12:00 AM
Sun12:00 AM12:00 AM
Business Size: 1-10
Notes: None Listed


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