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Sandos Promo

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I am a direct booker of the Sandos Resorts vacation promotion and have been promoting the resort's club for over a decade. The resort sells future nights of travel along with higher retail amenities. The program is called the Royal Elite Vacation Club. The resort offers couples between the ages of 28 and 70 the opportunity to save on their stay by becoming a prospect and attending a sales pitch on their club. The actual savings for the couple is around $1000. Seller Of Travel # ST43529

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Details and Specs

Hours of Operation:
Mon7:00 AM7:00 PM
Tue7:00 AM7:00 PM
Wed7:00 AM7:00 PM
Thr7:00 AM7:00 PM
Fri7:00 AM7:00 PM
Sat7:00 AM7:00 PM
Sun7:00 AM7:00 PM
Business Size: 1-10
Notes: None Listed


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