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Shawish Market

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Shawish is a virtual Indigenous marketplace that empowers Indigenous entrepreneurs and artists to create their own shops and upload their products. Unlike other marketplaces, Shawish does not charge any transaction or monthly fee, making it affordable and accessible for Indigenous vendors. This sets us apart from other marketplaces, making Shawish the ideal choice for any ally looking to support First Nation communities. Moreover, Shawish verifies every seller, ensuring that customers can trust and support Indigenous people directly while preventing fraudulent Indigenous art. By using Shawish, we are continuing the way of life of our ancestors, as we strive to build a sustainable future for Indigenous people.

Amanda (she/her) is a proud member of the Madawaska Maliseet First Nation, and a passionate advocate for Indigenous entrepreneurship and art. While working with Indigenous communities, Amanda observed the remarkable talent of many Indigenous artists who created beautiful products for sale, such as beaded works, clothing, and art. However, Amanda also recognized that these artists' works were not receiving the exposure they deserved. Motivated by a desire to celebrate these talented Indigenous artists and encourage the continuation of traditional Indigenous practices, Amanda founded Shawish. Today, Amanda resides in Toronto, ON, where she continues to work towards empowering Indigenous businesses and promoting Indigenous art.

It has been passed down through stories that Amanda's great-great-great-grandfather's last name was Shawish. When settlers forced Indigenous people to change their surnames, Amanda's ancestors chose the name Bernard, which was the name of the community's favourite priest at that time. The website was named Shawish to honour Amanda's ancestors.

Additionally, the logo features a sun that was illustrated by Jasmine Bernard, a member of the Madawaska Maliseet First Nation and also Amanda's sister.

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Details and Specs

Hours of Operation: Not Listed
Business Size: 11-50
Notes: None Listed


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