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Summit and Finn

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Summit and Finn is a digital strategy and marketing agency in St. Paul, Mn created by Jimmy Fritz (CEO of Wedding Shoppe Inc.) and Kevin Schneider. They are a digital strategy and marketing company based out of Downtown St. Paul with over 20 years of experience. They have a history of increasing sales using their three phase digital marketing strategy.

Here are our services:

Facebook Ads
Google Ads
Lead Generation
Digital Marketing Services
Website Development
Website Graphic
Email Marketing

To understand what we do at Summit and Finn, we have to start with Jimmy's story. After graduating from University of St. Thomas in 2003, Jimmy took over Wedding Shoppe Inc. The biggest challenge he faced was tracking their marketing campaigns. With the challenge at hand, Jimmy tried to find help. But, he was unable to find an good marketing solution, which made him more frustrated.
And when he did not receive a good ROI from the marketing agencies that he hired to give him a good marketing solution, Jimmy got more frustrated. The lack of return did not justify paying for their premium fees.
This encouraged him to discover the tools and employ a digital strategy that was tailored for his company, since he knows his company better than the marketing agencies.

At that point, everything changed!

He learned how to use tools to collect website data, advanced social media tools to increase brand awareness and sales, and automate his retargeting campaigns.

Because he learned the tools and strategies deployed by these marketing agencies, he was able to increase the's SEO, increase visits, leads, and sales through social media, and be efficient and effective when retargeting his email lists.

Now Wedding Shoppe Inc. and Kennedy Blue both have strong digital marketing presences in the wedding industry, and he never has worry about finding good digital marketing help ever again.

And that's why Jimmy is so passionate about digital marketing. Together with Kevin Schneider, they created Summit and Finn - a marketing firm that brings you the tools, training, and tactics so you too can have strong digital marketing presence.

Before we start crafting digital marketing campaigns for our client's, we create the necessary digital tracking and infrastracture that will help our clients' companies grow.

We offer digital marketing training for our client's marketing teams. We also offer one on one consultation to make sure the clients' digital marketing efforts are running well and delivering an ROI.

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Details and Specs

Hours of Operation:
Mon8:00 AM7:00 PM
Tue8:00 AM7:00 PM
Wed8:00 AM7:00 PM
Thr8:00 AM7:00 PM
Fri8:00 AM7:00 PM
Business Size: 1-10
Notes: None Listed
Digital Marketing:
Google Ads:
Facebook Ads:


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