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The Bateman Law Firm DUI Lawyer

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DUI License Consequences in Clemson, SC

What Happens to My License If I Get a DUI in Clemson?

In South Carolina if you are convicted of driving under the influence, or driving with an unlawful amount of alcohol in your system, you can be subject to both criminal and administrative penalties, including fines, jail time, and license suspension. Usually, the fines, jail time and other penalties you can receive usually depend on the facts and circumstances of your case and the severity of the offense, including the percentage of alcohol in your blood, whether it is your second DUI, whether you were involved in an accident, or whether you caused serious injuries. Remember also that South Carolina has an implied consent law which means that you automatically consent to a test of your breath, blood, or urine after you have been arrested for suspicion of DUI. While you have a right to refuse this test, doing so will subject you to additional penalties, including license suspension.

Being arrested for a 1st offense DUI is not only an intimidating experience, but understanding your rights can be overwhelming. John Bateman, Attorney at Law, has the experience and knowledge of the judicial system to fight for you in a clear and sensible way. John came to Clemson to specifically take on clients that need an ally. If you have gotten a 1st offense DUI in Clemson there is no time to waste, act fast. The penalties for a 1st offense DUI in Clemson SC are severe. By contacting John Bateman, Attorney at Law, you are making the perfect first step to resolving your conflict.

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