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The Law Offices of James J. Pasquali

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At the Law Office of James Jay Pasquali, we realize your case is of paramount importance to you and us, whether it be large or small. We strive to assist clients with legal issues with excellence. A hallmark of the representation of the Law offices of James Jay Pasquali is accessible.Mr. Pasquali and his highly trained staff are always available to communicate with active clients. Mr. Pasquali states "When people need an attorney, they don't need him next week, they need him now." This "Serivce Minded" approach has served Mr. Pasquali's clients well since his entrance into all state and federal courts within the state of Oklahoma since 1999. The law office of James Pasquali focus on the following areas of practice: Person Injury, Criminal Defense, Federal & State; Family Law, Divorce & Child Custody; Immigration Law.

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Hours of Operation: Not Listed
Business Size: 1-10
Notes: None Listed


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