The Root Acupuncture
The expert professional care you'll get from The Root Acupuncture will make you feel better and enable you to live with more vitality, energy, and joy.
Whether you've been suffering from chronic illness, lingering pain, or just the stress and cares of everyday life, the expert professional care you'll get from The Root Acupuncture will make you feel better and enable you to live with more vitality, energy, and joy. If you're suffering, make the choice today to live a better, less painful life from this point forward.
The Root Acupuncture has successfully used acupuncture and Chinese Medicine to treat a wide range of conditions, but specializes in musculo-skeletal pain, digestive disorders, auto-immune conditions, sleep disorders, and stress management. We uses a wide range of modalities (acupuncture, Chinese herbs, moxibustion, fire cupping, electro-stimulation, injection therapy, laser acupuncture, and auricular/ear therapy). We achieve an individualized approach to treating each patient.
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