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Total-play Ltd

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Total-play is your premier destination for cricket infrastructure solutions in the UK. We specialise in providing top-quality products and services for cricket enthusiasts, clubs, and groundskeepers.

From synthetic and natural turf pitches and weather-resistant covers to high-quality nets, and state-of-the-art scoreboards, we have it all. With our expertise, we ensure optimal performance and durability.

Whether you're looking to upgrade your existing facilities or construct a new cricket pitch, Total Play is your trusted partner. Explore our website today to discover the best solutions for your cricketing needs.

Keywords:Design, Innovation & Installation, Natural Cricket Pitch Experts, Leading Cricket Ground Equipment, Bespoke Multi Sport Facilities, Planning & Funding

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Details and Specs

Hours of Operation:
Mon8:00 AM4:00 PM
Tue8:00 AM4:00 PM
Wed8:00 AM4:00 PM
Thr8:00 AM4:00 PM
Fri8:00 AM4:00 PM
Business Size: 1-10
Notes: None Listed


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