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Treemily is a family tree website on a mission to help people in their family history research. Our history is who we are. Family research helps us understand why we are here and how we can get further. A family tree is an important step in any family heritage research since it helps to organize all your data and build stunning family history visualizations in just a few clicks.

On Treemily you can create an amazing family story to share with your friends and relatives and rest assured your ancestry will never be forgotten.

Our history is who we are. Knowing their family history helps children understand about themselves and their cultural background. However, involving kids in genealogy research may be a real challenge. A family tree builder is a great way to keep your family history online and at hand and inspire your kids to learn about their ancestry.

On Treemily you can create exquisite visualizations of your family heritage and eternalize it in an elegant form to inspire your loved ones for generations to come.

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Business Size: 1-10
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