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Naturopathic medicine focuses on finding the underlying cause of disease and removing the obstacles that are preventing wellness. Naturopathic treatment modalities include diet and nutrition counseling, homeopathy, hydrotherapy, botanical medicine, physical medicine, supplement prescription and behavioral change.

Dr. Guthrie's medical practice skillfully blends traditional, scientific and modern methods to provide the most comprehensive and effective health care for her patients. She believes that optimizing a strong foundation of diet, exercise and stress management is key to exceptional health and wellness. In addition to helping patients build a strong foundation for health through naturopathic medicine, Dr. Guthrie regularly utilizes advanced diagnostic laboratory testing to tailor treatments to the patient's specific needs.

Graham Rehabilitation & Wellness proudly offers comprehensive naturopathic medical services focused on primary care and the management of chronic health conditions. Naturopathic medicine is a holistic primary health care profession that emphasizes prevention, utilizes individualized treatments and optimizes health and wellness.

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