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What is the password for Linksys Smart WiFi?

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Once the setup process of a Linksys router gets done, a user must configure its network settings for it. You can configure the network settings of your device to make a secure network or to fetch better bandwidth in the network. Whether you are home or away, you can access the device using the web interface of a Linksys router. It is strictly recommended to change the default network settings like the Network name and the Wifi password for better performance of the network.

The MAC address of a router is a permanent IP address that is linked with your device to share the same network with the multiple machines. Instead of giving different IP addresses to different machines, the main router is provided with its unique address that is like a serial number and called a MAC address. This address can be changed through the web interface of or can be viewed with the help of the same web interface of Linksys smart Wi-fi. The user can also perform both processes through the Linksys Tether app that is operable in Android as well as IOS versions.

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Details and Specs

Hours of Operation: Not Listed
Business Size: 1-10
Notes: None Listed


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