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Welcome to WiSolar - Empowering Communities, Illuminating Lives. At WiSolar, we are propelled by a vision of a sustainable future wherein everyone, irrespective of their background, can access clean and affordable energy. Our mission transcends merely providing solar solutions; we believe in harnessing the power of the sun to generate positive social impact.

WiSolar is dedicated to uplifting communities by bestowing the gift of clean energy upon organizations that effect meaningful change. We concentrate on bolstering non-profits at the forefront, aiding vulnerable populations. By eradicating electricity costs for these organizations, we enable them to allocate resources directly into their missions-be it nourishing children, offering counseling, supporting shelters, or igniting social movements.

Our dedication extends beyond delivering top-notch solar panels; we are committed to cultivating a brighter, cleaner tomorrow for all. WiSolar isn't just a solar company; we are agents of change, empowering communities and brightening lives through sustainable energy solutions. Visit our website at to discover more about how WiSolar is effecting positive change in communities and paving the path for a greener and more equitable future.

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Details and Specs

Hours of Operation:
Mon8:00 AM4:30 PM
Tue8:00 AM4:30 PM
Wed8:00 AM4:30 PM
Thr8:00 AM4:30 PM
Fri8:00 AM4:30 PM
Business Size: 1-10
Notes: None Listed


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